Co-Design Workshops

Safeguarding co-design workshops for children and young people

Child Computer Interaction is working towards improving the usability of technology for children and young people to be equal partners in the co-design of digital safeguarding initiatives. Co-design workshops are facilitated safe spaces for children and young people’s voices, ideas and lived experiences to be integrated within the design of Digital Safeguarding initiatives and strategies. These workshops function as the bridge between children and young people to be equal partners in the conversations with organizations in digital safeguarding developments.

Essentially, our aim is to merge the two worlds of child protection and technology into one. We create a story of the child in today's world and how technology can be used to enable the child’s voice to be heard. By this we mean that children and young people are equals as they engage in the design and usability from the beginning. Thereafter, agencies, safeguarding managers and others, together with children and young people, work with the technology teams to build the technology. In this format, children and young people are able to share all their information, transforming outdated models of child protection and safeguarding systems.. 

Purpose and benefits:

  • Children and young people as equal in research and co-design 
  • A safe space for innovation 
  • Digital platforms for self reporting abuse 
  • Disrupting the status quo 
  • Transformative process 
  • Inventing child led, game-changing technologies 
  • Enables children and young people be heard in the way they know how 
  • Original thinking about how safeguarding, children and technology can become one 
  • Children and young people tell their stories from their persepctives
  • Children and young peole are digital natives
  • Tech can be used for good

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