
MeSafe helps and supports organisations develop a strategic approach to Digital Safeguarding that promotes co-design with children and young people to augment the voice of the child and facilitate information sharing.

MeSafe acts as the bridge between enabling children and young people to be equal partners in conversations with organisations for the development of Digital Safeguarding solutions.

MeSafe’s consulting practice offers: 

  • Writing and designing Digital Safeguarding strategies 
  • Digital strategy reporting across organisational departments and multi-agencies 
  • Oversight of the implementation of Digital Safeguarding strategies 
  • Advising organisations in the public and third sectors on new digital safeguarding infinitives 
  • Advising on Digital Safeguarding digital platforms and applications (apps) 
  • Providing expertise in social care digital initiatives for the voice of the child including the development of policy and procedures 
  • Trailblazing the design principles for safeguarding applications (apps)
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