Safeguarding Supervision

Independent Safeguarding Supervision provides a safe place to explore professional development and support organisational compliance.

Sarah facilitates monthly supervision of a range of professionals who are responsible for safeguarding in their organisation such as Heads of Service, Directors, Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputies.

Independent Safeguarding Supervision sessions can be designed for individuals or groups. 

The benefits include: 

  • Overall development of your own safeguarding knowledge and strategic direction
  • Overall development of practitioners’ safeguarding knowledge and strategic direction
  • Space and time for reflection, enabling practitioners to 'step outside' the organisation
  • Enabling effective challenge in a supportive confidential environment. 
  • Opportunities for reflection on organisational safeguarding strategies and safeguarding developments 
  • Personal consideration of practitioners’ professional development and learning in leadership roles 
  • Dynamic and supportive space to reflect on complex safeguarding requirements and discussions 
  • Support for personal development and improving accountable performance


"Sarah offered safeguarding support and supervision during my time in a high pressured national safeguarding role, and was incredibly helpful, challenging, supportive, connected, and worked alongside me to find solutions to complex situations. Sarah’s approach helped me to push through some important developments and to reflect on why some things are so challenging. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Sarah and the way she challenges is so supportive and important. Her challenge can be both discrete and direct, always from a motivated, meaningful, helpful intent that feels holding, containing, solution focused, and always provides what is needed. That can be planned and practical, or unplanned and dealing with “in the moment” needs. Sarah is somebody supportively challenges your assumptions to enable positive and meaningful change, and holding safety at the core of everything. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Sarah or to engage her incredible service and support again”. 

Head of Safeguarding.

"The supervision I attend gives me vital reflection space as part of my safeguarding leadership role. Sarah challenges effectively and holds and supports me both personally and professionally. This continues to enable me to develop professionally within my role and contributes to my overall safeguarding responsibilities which benefits myself, my team and the organisation."

Designated Safeguarding lead 

"Supervision with Sarah has been invaluable. The sessions have provided focus and accountability. Supervision has created space for confidential professional dialogue, and has meant that change can be driven forward in a way that is achievable and measurable."

Safeguarding Officer 

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