Digital Safeguarding

Definition of Digital Safeguarding 


Digital Safeguarding is using co-design research methods with children and young people to create innovative technology initiatives for them by them to self-refer, share information and manage risks. This approach gives children and young people an equal voice, recognizing them as digital natives, especially within changing technological environments.



What is the aim of Digital Safeguarding?


A Digital Safeguarding approach aims to use tech for good, co-designed with children and young people. It seeks to develop innovative ways in which children and young people can digitally and safely self-refer and share their information with multi-agency professionals. Digital Safeguarding enables real-time digital communication, harnessing digital and traditional early help and support to reduce the risk of harm to children and young people.


What is the aim of co-design research methods? 

Co-design is a new method of design which promotes a child-centred, child-friendly, user-led approach. Co-design’s key methods include children and young people as equal partners in the process for Digital Safeguarding initiatives including design ideas, usability and product development.

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