Welcome to MeSafe

The Digital Safeguarding Consultant 

Sharing stories, opening doors, healing wounds

Safe Social-Technical Childhood Spaces

  • “Current definitions of childhood in social work practice today do not incorporate the way that children live their lives within an interface to a digital world” 

  • “A key question for safeguarding services that are mandated to support children is how better to embrace the constantly emerging and changing digital space”

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    “The failure to allow the child’s voice to shine through is because the technology-literacy of the child has not been factored into the equation”

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    “I adopt the view of multi-agency work as digitally mobile and, in doing so, understand how it needs to move to adapt to the digitally-mobile childhood space of today”

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    “The outcome is a repositioning of existing professional framings of childhood within a social-technical childhood where children would be able to digitally self-refer and self-manage, sharing their personal information”

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    “The main challenges focus on the fact that there still remains a host of digital divides in working practices such as poor functionality, access to up to date IT equipment, lack of mobility and workarounds within the MASH, notwithstanding the five key disconnects: language, risk and assessment, trust and ICT”

  • “There is another way to communicate with children through a digital footprint. By combining the social and technological, possibilities can be created to truly allow the child’s voice to be heard and the child’s personal story to be told in order to stay safe. There is a consensus amongst the professionals that this is the way forward for getting self-referrals and, thus more timely interventions”

  • “Children need to be included as partners in design within a co-operative inquiry framework, to allow for the technological front door to be opened. Ensuring this partnership, as they are the engineers of the system. There is a transitional nature to the whole network and a technical period of change”

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